Jenna Marie Hood
Jenna Marie Hood
Jenna is a NASM CPT, AFPA Holistic Nutritionist, and natural Wellness Athlete specializing in women’s health and fitness. Her training programs are conducted 100% online with an easy-to-use app to fast-track your progress with her daily support available to you in AND outside of the gym. Her emphasis on food flexibility and long term sustainability set her clients up for success and results that will last a lifetime!
Get in the best shape of your life without stepping foot on stage!
The decision to train with Jenna on Team EMPOWHER will result in more than a physical transformation! Coach Jenna's clients are given the tools necessary to create and maintain a healthy relationship with food, confidence in the gym and in their own skin, and a separation between their motivation and willpower that allows for continued, long-term success post-coaching.
Your training subscription will include:
- A bespoke and regularly updated workout program designed for progressive advancement
- Tailored nutrition objectives to help you achieve your personal fitness goals
- A frequently refreshed recipe inspiration list excluding any foods you dislike/cannot tolerate
- One-on-one messaging support with Coach Jenna for personalized guidance
- Weekly wellness insights aimed at fostering your healthiest lifestyle
-Weekly accountability check-ins to assess progress and adjust programming if necessary